Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's always interesting to know of an author and the book(s) they've written and go for a long time only knowing them in relation to their books, and nothing else. Then, one day, you research or read something, and discover another part of them, maybe some of their background that ends up explaining how they came up with the book they wrote or reason behind it. It's always interesting how our understanding of the author deepens. So, with that thought in mind I decided to do a little research on Lois Lowry. A well known and admired children's author who's books I have grown up reading, including our current focus in class- The Giver. It turns out not only does Lowry have a website, but also a blog! The blog was actually really enjoyable to read and get to know more about this beloved author. In her biography on the website she reveals that she has lived all over the country, and the world, is a mother of four and grandmother now also. She also has a passion for art and knitting. The website also lists all of her books and even has a section of typed transcripts of interviews and speeches. In the copy of her Newberry Acceptance Speech (the last one in the section titled Speeches) she spoke about how she came up with her idea for the Giver. The speech is fascinating. This was so interesting and I would definitely suggest checking it out! Also according to her blog there will the a movie of The Giver in a few years!


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