Monday, March 3, 2008

"Gobble! gobble! goblin! There you go a wobblin'!"

I found MacDonald’s “The Princess and the Goblin” infinitely more pleasing than “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. I enjoyed finding examples that supported MacDonald’s belief in the spirituality that can come with imagination. MacDonald believed the imagination could be a tool which God could use to reveal himself. I agree with this belief and enjoyed discovering how he supported it in the tale. Upon meeting our hero, Curdie, we learn his strongest defense against the goblins is songs. The most powerful are those he makes up with his creative mind. Through this idea that imaginative songs can fight evil, MacDonald argues for art and creative imagery as a way to serve God. Some Christians, especially during MacDonald’s time, may have found the idea of art and its forms idle and useless as opposed to working and “being useful”. MacDonald’s idea about art was probably a pretty new and revolutionary in some ways.

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