Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For Christian’s it is important to teach our children biblical truths and principles and about what it means to know and follow Christ. Children’s books are a great tool to use to teach kids biblical truths. There are Christian children’s books that discuss concepts such as the importance of Christmas and Easter and Jesus’s life. Then there are those that focus on why we go to church and then there are those that tell a story as a metaphor to God and his love for his children. One of my good friend’s mom has a book published that she wrote and illustrated which teaches biblical truths through the ABC’s. It is colorfully illustrated with childlike watercolors and is very appealing to children. The book is “S is for Shepherd” by Tricia Lowenfield and it is adorable! It is such a wonderful tool to go through with kids and a different way for them to learn stories and important concepts from the Bible.

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