Sunday, February 3, 2008

Let's find the Wardrobe that Leads to Kyrria

Several different and unique adaptations of Cinderella came out during my childhood. I loved the movie Ever After and the Disney Cinderella; but none can compare to Ella. I admire her bravery and love for Char. Her stubbornness and love of languages along with other qualities make her relatable and personal. I first read Ella Enchanted in fifth or sixth grade, and I was hooked! I have gone back and read this book countless times since then. It’s actually one of my comfort books. Sometimes when I’m feeling low, or just feel like it, I’ll read one of my comfort books. These include but are not limited to The Chronicles of Narnia, The Little Prince, Where the Sidewalk Ends, and of course Ella Enchanted. She is such a loveable character because she’s uniquely different from the original Grimm’s Cinderella or the Disney one. Ella doesn’t let life just happen to her. She may be cursed, but she won’t take anything sitting down! (That is, unless of course she’s ordered to...)
I also love the imagination that went into this book. The elves are one of my favorite parts, and remind me of Tolkien’s elves in Lord of the Rings series. Levine’s descriptions make the reader feel safe and protected in the elf country. When we learn that an elf meal consists of different types of soup, I can’t help but wonder and wish to be part of their feast.

Well, I’m going to go curl up and read one of my favorite books now!

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