Friday, February 15, 2008

Great book for Adults and Kids alike!

In my reading and writing class the other week, my teacher read us “Scaredy Squirrel makes a Friend” by author and illustrator Melanie Watt. This book was one of the funniest books I had ever heard/read! If you haven’t read it, go do so! The writing is already so funny, and the illustrations make the story even more enjoyable! It is adorable! Scaredy Squirrel’s biggest characteristic is, of course, that he’s scared. It’s so hilarious because his fears are all highly absurd and irrelevant. For example Scaredy Squirrel’s biggest fears (which are listed on the website) include green Martians, killer bees, tarantulas, poison ivy, germs and sharks. On the website, the about the author page let’s us know that Melanie Watt shares Scaredy Squirrel’s fear of sharks. The theme of this book was a very important one too. Scaredy Squirrel learns not to judge someone’s capability as a friend, and to step out of his comfort zone. In doing so he makes an unlikely friend with a dog, even though he isn’t 99% free like the goldfish he planned on making friends with. This theme is so important for kids to learn and practice. So often in and outside the classroom, kids exclude other kids. It seems to be something that just comes naturally and is easy to do without thinking about it. This would be a great book to read to a class if they were having trouble excluding a classmate. Adults also could use the reminder as well!

I would definitely encourage you to check out the website!
The best part is how at the bottom of every page there’s a reader warning that states, “This material is not suitable for green Martians.”

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