Saturday, January 26, 2008

Witches and Evil Moms on PBS, Oh My!

Hansel and Gretel, without a doubt, has to be the scariest fairy tale. I vividly remember watching a Hansel and Gretel video when I was younger. It was on PBS and it was the the “Faerie Tale Theatre” version. I can still see the idiotic Hansel stuffing his face with food while the witch greedily waits for her meal.

The horrifying thought of parents abandoning their children is disturbing enough as it is. Then the story continues on with a woman who eats children! Older and slightly wiser as I am, I recognize the relevance of this story at the time of its conception and retelling. Food, or lack of, was a major driving force for the large number of poor people. It isn’t hard to understand a starving family dreaming of a house made of bread. Still though, that witch haunted me long after Hansel and Gretel escaped. If I have kids, I plan on trying to shield them from that disturbing story.

Ahh! I found it online! Watch if you’re brave enough!

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