Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cinderelly, Cinderelly!

While Cinderella was not my very favorite Disney princess as a child, she was definitely up there. She had some characteristics I couldn’t help but admire. Most importantly, she communicated with woodland creatures. That’s right, she talked to birds and squirrels and mice, not to mention, they talked back! They also ran errands for her and helped her clean! Who needs a prince when you have little animals for friends? At least, this was my thought process as a child. In reading Cinderella as more of an adult, the absurdity of woodland creatures helping someone clean is clearer to me.
I went and saw the movie “Enchanted” over break. When the Cinderella character was in New York and needed some help cleaning, she sang her little song, and hilarity ensued. In exchange for bluebirds and quaint, roly-poly mice, her helpers were squadrons of pigeons, sewer rats, flies and most disgusting of all; cockroaches. The scene was a highly comical parody on Cinderella and her helpers!

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